a year ago

Game and Grab a Cuppa with Teacup!

Image by StarFlames from Pixabay

I'm back with a new game, albeit a more relaxing one compared to previous two that centered around grief and loss, and what better way to calm oneseld down than with a cup of heartwarming tea with our titular game protag, Teacup. 🍵


The game's plot is simple enough that we're going out on an adventure to refill our tea leaves stock for an upcoming tea party--- no rush, no deadlines, and definitely no horror about to creep out on you--- just a good 'ol clean, small town adventure reminiscent of the 90's short kid books I used to read (only this being a lot more interactive than paper pages).

Disclaimer: Just good 'ol fashioned fun in sharing these GIFs and screenshots to show that there can still be enjoyment found in playing games outside the heart-stopping, horror, RPGs that seem to be quite prevalent in most new releases.

We start the game by going around the small town of Little Pond wherein we can interact and get some clues from the townsfolk on the best sights to gather our herbal brews:


Some ingredients are as easy as walking up to bushes and just gathering them, while some are more specially acquired by helping out a neighbor in distress. Nothing too complicated to require using a game controller (bought this on Steam and played it on the PC), just enough to give this laid back game a lil bit of a challenge than just about walking literally walking around town--- I'd also recommend this for your younger kiddos to play with as you gently guide them in some puzzle stages:


A lovely part near the end of the game is that you get to go on a day's worth of kayaking just to sneak in a visit to Teacup's grandma-- though obviously we know we're there for some more tea leaves and maybe a well-kept cookie recipe???


I think it's no surprise to expect that by the end of this play session is that we've completed our recipe Tea book, but I do have to note that you'd have to make sure to gather every ingredient before going to grandma's house as we'll timeskip to the scheduled Tea Party after that, and let me tell you how curious I was of some of these tea combinations we get to concoct in the last mini game:


With that said, I'm more than ready to have a tea party on my own with these lovely assortment of honey I bought just 'cuz I'm such a sucker for the honey tea (and sometimes milk) combinations! (*^◇^)_旦


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